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The photos below show our progress from a hard pan 1/2 acre site to one strangled with weeds to a thriving educational garden that produces vegetables, fruits, herbs, and pollinators for our students' education. We use various tools of permaculture and organic farming in and outside the greenhouse, such as sheet mulching, hugelkultur, materials reuse and repurposing, drip irrigation, rainwater harvesting and storage, and biological pest control to demonstrate sustainable urban farm techniques.
All of the photos in the gallery can be run as a slide show. Simply click on the first one in each group. Each is also identified. The photos immediately below are from 2019 through 2020:
The group of photos below is from late 2017, the 2018 school year and our first summer school class in 2018:

Wreath Headress!
The students made holiday wreaths and sold them at a community market.

Plant Sale Advert
Students design and distribute ads for the spring plant sale.

Randy and Students in Greenhouse presale

Architecture presenters, spring 2018
UW architecture students present a model of an outdoor classroom/meeting space they intend to design and build for us

Architect Team with proposed model

Ribbon Cutting
Ribbon Cutting for our new outdoor classroom, June 2018

Ribbon Cutting Party June 2018
We had a ribbon cutting party to dedicate the new outdoor classroom built by UW Neighborhood Design/Build Studio

The "Dugout" classroom finished

First Ever Summer HorticultureClass!
Held in July and the first week of August

Summer Class learns from Tom Douglas
Our first ever summer school horticulture class on a field trip to learn from Seattle's famous chef, Tom Douglas

Harvesting in August 2018

Nathan Hale Urban Farm late summer 2018
A timeline of our progress from 2014 to 2018 can be seen in the photos below:

Old low beds and nothing but weeds

Repurposing the old wood

Creating paths by new raised beds

Creating the first hugelkultur beds

Biological pest control/greenhouse

Students ready the greenhouse for plant sale

ADA metal beds;urbanite wall planter

Drip irrigation added to greenhouse

Planting useful perennial plants

Food for the Food Bank!

Happy pumpkin harvest

Farm, Summer 2018
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